looking for one specific backdrop - help me please ;)

the one i mean shows kind of a space man in the middle of the screen, standing in a desert (on the moon?) and holding (i guess) a baby in his hands.

i guess i saw it once as part of an aeon demonstration video where it was used as the home menu backdrop.

if someone knows the picture/backdrop i mean, pretty pretty please gimme a download link Rolleyes

i tried several download packs, searched the aeon threads for it, checked aeonprojects.com, but didn't find it yet.

so if you can help me - please do! thanks..
cheers,azido :;):
azido Wrote:alright,

the one i mean shows kind of a space man in the middle of the screen, standing in a desert (on the moon?) and holding (i guess) a baby in his hands.

i guess i saw it once as part of an aeon demonstration video where it was used as the home menu backdrop.

if someone knows the picture/backdrop i mean, pretty pretty please gimme a download link Rolleyes

i tried several download packs, searched the aeon threads for it, checked aeonprojects.com, but didn't find it yet.

so if you can help me - please do! thanks..

that's from the movie 'the andromeda strain'.
get it here: http://www.themoviedb.org/movie/14305
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Thumbs Up 
great ronie, thank you very much!Nod

edit: ah, i knew it was one where you do not see his face - like in this picture:


and if i remember right, it was more of brown then green in the background..

edit2: i did one of my own now using photoshop (and fitting my screen):


cheers,azido :;):
Wow, the fanart was a lot better than the remake
davegregoire Wrote:Wow, the fanart was a lot better than the remake

lol Wink
cheers,azido :;):
I actually downloaded it specifically because I have the backdrop in my backdrops folder and was like "Woah that looks totally bad ass!" I still haven't watched it yet. Maybe I shouldn't Tongue
Catchy Signature Here
A bit late now but if you would prefer not having his legs cut off at the knees there's a better hi res one below

>>X<<' Wrote:A bit late now but if you would prefer not having his legs cut off at the knees there's a better hi res one below


cheers. based on that i did another one (if anyone's interested in) - still a cut off needed, that guy is simply too big ~lol~

cheers,azido :;):
azido Wrote:cheers. based on that i did another one (if anyone's interested in) - still a cut off needed, that guy is simply too big ~lol~

It can be done without throwing the perspective of to much, funny I did one yesterday and uploaded it to TMDB

Didn't touch the image of the man and baby just the background


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looking for one specific backdrop - help me please ;)0