more scrape problems

I have difficulties scraping my movie folder. The folder structure:

smb://user:[email protected]/media/movies/moviename/

(included the share name just to be complete) each moviename folder contains the movie file itself, movie files (a movie split in multiple files) or a VIDEO_TS folder with the movie. All folders at the moviename level also contain a movie.nfo, .jpgs, .tbn etc. (created with EMM)

I'm trying to put all these files into my library by selecting 'set content' on the movies folder and scan them. I tried all combinations for the 'set content' settings but I either mis half of the movies or have a lot of duplicates in my library (for the multiple part movies and de *.VOB files I guess). What am I doing wrong? Huh

running XBMC SVN:22093
A debug log would be helpful in this case (as in most cases.). See the following threads for info on how to provide more helpful information.

For Windows:
Sticky: HOW-TO post a problem in a useful manner

For linux:
Sticky: [LINUX] HOW-TO post about a problem in a useful manner

While preparing the log files, I noticed some things:
- some movie folders didn't contain a VIDEO_TS sub folder but had the *IFO *BUP *VOB in the main folder. This resulted in a lot of duplicates.
- a couple of the folders had a moviename.mpg as first part and avseq01.mpg as a second part

I moved the dvd files to VIDEO_TS subfolders and renamed the others to moviename-1.mpg and moviename-2.mpg and guess what? It works now!

The settings I used for 'set content' are:
* movies
* automated scan
* recursive

Sorry for your time Blush it works afterall although it's not very forgiving on directory structure and file naming.

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