[Linux]xbmc full screen reverts back
I am running a full installation of Ubuntu 9.04.1 (Jaunty) and xbmc on ION330.
When running xbmc full screen (xbmc -fs), the full screen reverts back to a window (showing the Ubuntu GUI) after approx. 15 minutes into a movie.
This happens also when xbmc starts up in a window and is than manually 'full screened' with \

I have the latest Nvidia drivers installed (185.18.36) but also have the same behaviour with 185.18.14

What is causing this and more important can it be solved? (its rather annoying Sad)
We need a debug log, please see my sig for a link to a how-to on providing the necessary logs.
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Disable gnome-screensaver.
althekiller Wrote:Disable gnome-screensaver.

Thank you Nod
Disabling the screensaver has cured this problem.

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[Linux]xbmc full screen reverts back0