OSD Video Settings not available
Hi together,

I'm using XBMC now for over 4 month and I'm really happy with it. Unfortunately I have no option to modify Gamma, Brightness or Contrast during a movie as described here:


Some options are missing in this category!
I only have this in the video menu:
Interlaced Handling
Video Scaling Method
Crop Black Bars
View Mode
Zoom Amount
Pixel Ratio
Set as Default for All Movies
Video Calibration

I wasn't able to find out whats the reason for it. I use the "XBMC_for_Windows-9.04.1-repack2.exe" and have Windows Vista SP1. Graphics card is an ATI HD 3200 with catalyst 9.9

I tried also windows XP and other versions of the display driver, nothing worked Sad

I really need help now from the experts Smile

PS: on my other computer (vista and nvidia gtx275) this is also missing!

best regards
What skin are you using? Any chance of a screenshot to show us what you're looking at?
I tried default skin and also som others....
maybe I will make a screenshot tonight, but do you have an idea what reason it could be?

has nobody an idea?
Is there really no one who can help me? Or is my question too stupid Sad
9.04 used a extremely seldom glext to do contrast/brightness.

newer gl builds support it just fine (done in the shaders). dx builds don't have the support at all.
ok thank you very much!
which newer version is good and stable? can you recommend one?
Hi again,
after testing on a fresh installed win7 system I found out that the problem cant be the version of XBMC. I used the same version on both PC's and on the one with the ATI HD 3200 there is no option to change the brightness and contrast....

I also figured out, that with the XBMC-Rev23858.zip the "movie Information" doesnt work correctly. It doesn't matter which scraper I used, the movie is found and the cover is downloaded fine, but theres no description of the movie.

Upped XBMC-Rev23912-GL
Upped XBMCSetup-Rev23912-GL
Upped XBMC-Rev23912-DX
Upped XBMCSetup-Rev23912-DX

This ones are new, which one should I use on my HTPC with ATI HD 3200 onboard graphics? Are there big differences between the versions?

thanks in advance
is there anyway to add this option in like through advancedsettings? I cannot run the GL Version as it runs as if on a 286 pc. Some movies are extremely dark and I would like to raise the brightness like before in 22516.

Nvidia 5600fx Graphics
AMD 3000+ 64bit
Windows XP

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