Is Media Stream still being developed
Is Media Stream still being developed and maintained?
I would also like to know this...

I currently use the MediaStream Redux Mod and I love it...there is however some development that could still go on, such as more Widgets or more views.

I would like to have (with the recently added widgets) a "Total Movies, Total Watched and Total Unwatched" so we know what is in our library.

Would this be possible?
I love my Mac Mini :;):
UnisonRuss Wrote:I would also like to know this...

I currently use the MediaStream Redux Mod and I love it...there is however some development that could still go on, such as more Widgets or more views.

I would like to have (with the recently added widgets) a "Total Movies, Total Watched and Total Unwatched" so we know what is in our library.

Would this be possible?

I've had to step away from working on my Redux Mod due to real life, but I might get back into it soon. I'm just a little hesitant after looking at all the great working being done on some of the new skins. Sad

First thanks a lot for your mode, it is awesome. Then I just want to tell you that you should not hesitate to keep working on your mode. The "media streamish" skin feel is classy, not over-the-top and very unique, I can't really see any skin that compares. I personally enjoy it the most, even if I can understand that some of the newest skins are also attractive. I use your mod everyday and it would be quite a waste to let that skin slide and die cause it is great.

Well, that is my opinion. I have been starting to look at skinning myself just because nothing is happening in the mediastream world lately and I have a couple of modifications I want to make.

That's is already too much talk, so thanks again for the mod and please keep it alive!

P.S: I really need the old wall-stream view back for checking my music album, it is sooo convenient!
please don't give up! I also prefer mediastream because of its interface.
I find it more intuitive than other skins. The visual aspect could be improved, but the "ergonomics" are great :-)
Honestly this skin is so great! You don't need extra thumbs and such, which is really nice! Sure there are other skins that are great as well, but most of them require extra work on our part - this skin is the easiest, since it's already set up for us!
I love my Mac Mini :;):
Aenima99x Wrote:I've had to step away from working on my Redux Mod due to real life, but I might get back into it soon. I'm just a little hesitant after looking at all the great working being done on some of the new skins. Sad
I just registered to reply here that MediaStream Redux Mod is, by far, my favorite XBMC skin. So don't be too intimidated by all of the other skins out there. There's plenty of users to go around! Smile
ill have to add, its no1 for me too ... all the other stuff might be look nice, but when it comes to useability it's imho still the best since all the other guys focus too much on the eyecandy. would love to see the development continue...
Aenima99x, I for one love your skin more then any other skin thats in development right now. It would be a shame to see the development cycle stop on it. I'm pretty new to XBMC, but I am a developer at heart myself, and once I get the in's and outs of XBMC, I would be happy to contribute to this skin.
I just wanted to say that I LOVE redux mod and it's the only skin I care to use. Yes, I've seen confluence and the original media stream, redux is MUCH better. Please consider further development!
WizADSL Wrote:I just wanted to say that I LOVE redux and it's the only skin I care to use. Yes, I've seen confluence and the original media stream, redux is MUCH better. Please consider further development!

+1 here.
thanks a lot!
Excellent skin.

I just noticed your mod pack offers everything I want/need - off to download this!!!

Nice one!
I just had to reply to this. Definitely agree with all the comments from above. Don't give up, please! Even though its been a while since any updates to this skin, it is still my favourite and still feels cutting edge Smile
Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in. You have done a great job with this mod. It is my skin of choice. You da man!

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Is Media Stream still being developed0