Importing a large movie collection?
xexe Wrote:Are you saying you dont like how movies were named by the creators and give it your own name...

something like:

Aliens (1986)


Big Scary Creature (1986)


Obviously I am tongue in cheek here but why on earth do you want to rename movies ?

I have way more movies than that and never need a manager app and I have no clue why you would. XBMC manages its own library quite nicely.

I rename movies to order series properly... Examples are the Fast and the Furious, LOTR, Star Wars etc.. Other movies like Clint Eastwood earlier westerns, or a few asian movies (crouching tiger hidden dragon I think is one) use non English titles by default. I update these to the way I want them.

AKA I will change names to: Star Wars 1: The Phantom Menace, Star Wars 2: Attack of the Clones

I am just particular, anal if you will about sort orders.
xexe Wrote:There simply is no need and we shouldn't be saying this all the time.

There is no need in your opinion. Scrappers will always not be able to fill every need or preference. The data is not out there to do so, and would be very difficult to try.

That is why I prefer to use nfo/manager. Because I can make it the way I want and don't have to duplicate my work if I want to rebuild my library.

Not saying you have to use a manager, if you really don't care about a few little glitches then so be it.
xexe - have you used Ember Media Manager before? TBH your talking rubbish mate IMO. What you are saying about creating an nfo with a imdb link is a lot harder work than just using EMM!

I've used both - and it is easier BY A MILE to use EMM first to sort, scrape, collect covers, fanart, thumbs etc, then start XBMC and update library than it is creating 700 nfo files, looking up the imdb number and then updating the library.
Obviously there are scenarios that require manual sculpting XML nfos but when you take into account group collaboration projects like tvdb and tmdb then they become relatively rare.

The point at hand is not are XML tools needed it is "we shouldnt be telling virtually every new user that posts with a library problem to use a 3rd party tool", we should be helping them use XBMC proper.
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i presently have short of 1000 movies on the pc, and i have always used xbmc to get fanart, covers etc for the movies, and xbmc has done this for 99% of the movies i have, the other 1% do not have covers just yet on imdb!!
Well done xbmc!!
xexe Wrote:Obviously there are scenarios that require manual sculpting XML nfos but when you take into account group collaboration projects like tvdb and tmdb then they become relatively rare.

I disagree... The nature of how movies are named, duplicate names etc actually mean there is quite a bit of editing, not much maybe 5-10% (of 700 movies is a lot). But this also depends on what type of movies you like. For some reason I like movies that happen to be series, so I run into these issues more often.

Fantastic 4/X-men are also other examples of how the studios name their movies not for order in a collection... Why should they?

Now if tmdb would add other features like "sort order titles" or alternate titles then these apparent issues would be greatly reduced. But as you said not all people are as discerning as I so I think it would be complicating a system for diminished returns. I am happy to use a manager for my needs cause I know they aren't the needs of most.

I agree with the nfo creation feature, you could import/scrape via xbmc, correct and then write nfos based all within XBMC.... Great features to have, though it still is faster with a movie/nfo manager like EMBER with a large collection. The interface is just better for editing, period. If you don't have to edit so much then yes its value is diminished.
And..... if you have some movies named not very well XBMC will ignore them and you won't know which ones haven't scraped. With EMM its easy to see which movies have not scraped.

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Importing a large movie collection?0