Issues with 9.11 Alpha please verify
Hey All,

I have testing 9.11 since it's release and I have noticed a few issues, I wanted to comfirm with others before I start looking at my system.

I am running Mythbuntu 8.10 fully updated to latest 8.10 Kernel. Nvidia 190.32, Alsa .21 - No pulse. Most external libs less ffmpeg and python - No pulse.

My issues so far

DVD playback disc or lan - No Menu's, No special features. Hanging/Freezing

DVD playback - Freezing or crash to desktop on initial playback - granted this has happened with the last stable SVN 22528 I think.

Suspend - which has worked for me since the day I built the system - Now just tries to shutdown and actually reloads XBMC, this happens with suspend, reboot, shutdown etc.. like policykit is not doing it's job.

Library scanning - I have a test machine from scratch with Myth 9.10 on it and a clean install of xbmc, all of my movies, tv shows etc have NFO files attached. I usuallly load my sources.xml file from backup, then set content on my HDmovie share to activate the library which has 90 BD/HD rips in it and it normally takes no time at all to scan them in, currently it has only scanned 30 of the 90 movies and taken almost 15 minutes, This is only one share of my 13 drives on the server. OUCH.

I just wanted to verify if any others are seeing some of these issues. I will try testing and providing logs for eash issue if these are not already being worked on or investigated.

What is the last stable SVN before the path change and outages of the last couple months.

As always though devs, keep up the great work. I am not complaining here, just wondering where to start to troubleshoot.


I've the same problem since first alpha release, and ubuntu jaunty., upgraded to beta1 and the same. thks
Automatic actor thumb downloads were enabled by default in 9.11.
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Issues with 9.11 Alpha please verify0