Change Settings from 27" CRT to new 1080p TV?
Hey all. I recently upgraded from a 27" CRT TV to a 32" 1080p LCD TV and I'm having resolution problems. I'm using an 8400gs and DVI-> HDMI cable to the TV. What do I have to change on the XBMC box in order to play nice with the new TV? Things look strange, and when I try to set Screen Resolution via the XBMC settings it will let me set 1080i as the highest resolution, no 1920 by xxxx either. The PQ looked better with the s-video cable than with the HDMI. Ideas? I believe I'm still using 9.04.
Try deleting your xorg.conf or if using nvidia run nvidia-xconfig to overwrite your exiting xorg.conf
JackieBrown Wrote:Try deleting your xorg.conf or if using nvidia run nvidia-xconfig to overwrite your exiting xorg.conf
Thanks, but ran "sudo nvidia-xconfig" and it created a new xorg.conf file but that's it. I rebooted and nothing has changed.
I couldn't get anything to work so I just installed a fresh copy of Xbmc-Live. Resolution works fine now, but I keep losing audio on reboot. I set alsamixer and also stored the settings, but it doesn't take.

Also, SD movies look like total crap now when they looked fine before I got it to display 1080p all the time.

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Change Settings from 27" CRT to new 1080p TV?0