new source disapears on secondary profiles
It seems that 9.11 has a weird bug where you can't add a second source to a secondary profile. I can manually add a source via the xml file but for some reason "catwritesource" defaults to "false" and changing it to true has no effect.

anyone else seeing this?
haven't tried that, but you could mount your sources in fstab instead, making them availible for all users to add ?

Here's a guide
no, you don't understand.

The "add a new source" button is completely missing.

It's imposttible in this version to add multple sources to secondary profiles.

At least for me.

I have to do it manually by editing the xml file.

It's clearly a bug or i've missed some new setting which makes new users unable to set up more than 1 source (the first time you go to the window, there is an add source button, but once you add a single source, it disapears)
wonslung Wrote:no, you don't understand.

The "add a new source" button is completely missing.

It's imposttible in this version to add multple sources to secondary profiles.

At least for me.

I have to do it manually by editing the xml file.

It's clearly a bug or i've missed some new setting which makes new users unable to set up more than 1 source (the first time you go to the window, there is an add source button, but once you add a single source, it disapears)

There's no add source in the context menu either ?
gekados Wrote:There's no add source in the context menu either ?

It's completely missing. It's a bug with 9.11 alpha.

i opened this ticket about it

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new source disapears on secondary profiles0