deleting watched shows from within xbmc

I am wanting to manage my hard drive space and wondering if it is possible to delete a file via XBMC.

So here's the scenerio, I recorded a show on Eyetv and exported it as divx automatically to an external drive. I watch it through XBMC and when I finish I want to be able to delete that file from the external hard drive from the XBMC interface.

is it possible?

Enable file deletion and renaming in Appearance->File Lists/View options.
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thats perfect!!
I have done this but it will not delete the files.
I can delete the files from the file manager though. So it should not be a permissions issue.

Any ideas?
The delete within XBMC just deletes the video, not the support metadata, folders and images. If you still have issues deleting then you need to post a debug log with a paste bin while doing the delete action linked back to a message. I prefer to handle deletes manually... with full control, no mistakes.

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deleting watched shows from within xbmc0