[Apple TV] Visualization delay on 9.11(a)
Hi all,

I love the XBMC and since two months I am enyoing this software, so big thanks to developers first.

Concerning this issue I suspect is similar to certain sync problems reported here in the forum on the playback out of sync in video or similar.
I'd like so much to have -as others members requested here in the forum- a more audiophile visualization (e.g. analog meters, or stereo meter bars or similar), but not having that Sad I was using the simple waveform.
After updating to 9.11(a) the waveform, and also the other visualizations shows a clear delay. Is this for normal?, can the user alter certain parameters to tweak the thing?

Thanks a lot in advance.
I have to correct my previous post: the visualization is not delayed, it starts before, and after testing I can state the behaviour is the same for AppleTv and for Mac under os x (tested on a MacBook pro 2.53 ghz intel dual core and on a MAc mini Intel 1,83 Ghz).

Is there any possibility to correct this offset?

Thanks again
Was this ever solved/addressed somewhere? I'm experiencing the same issue.
still having this issue

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[Apple TV] Visualization delay on 9.11(a)0