Asus pundit rc help
I have been struggling for 2 days now with this problem. In windows 7 and Camelot.

The RC that I got with the computer is a RC6 control and i can control almost everything but I cant go back/previous in XBMC while its fine in windows media center. Ive have tried both Ir server suite (some files where missing form the guide) and event ghost and end up with nothing. In mediacenter shortcuts it says that Back/previous i Blankspace..

So what have I missedHuh
have a read of for some background info on how emote controls work.

I have read and tested and come up empty.... Ive tried MCE control and a hormony 525 so it cant be the remote. I change Camelot version to Babylon

Even the hack did work.

Everything works perfect in windows media center.

In xbmc works almost everything but I cant go back to parent directory in xbmc. Thats the only thing I need.

Can it be becourse I have win7? should I try Vista Sad
Witch version should I take x86 or 64 bit?

My setup is
Win7 64 bit
Asus Pundit P4-P5N9300
Intel E5300

Quote:have a read of for some background info on how emote controls work.

8301 Wrote:I have read and tested and come up empty

Did you try the Showkey app (in my MCEStuff download) to see if the remote is sending a keystroke? Have you looked in the registry to see what the remote is configured to send? The back button is number 23 (hex) in the ReportMappingTable data.


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