Karmic Ubuntu on an Acer Revo ION - video problems
I'm currently getting the following error when I try and run XBMC.

"XBMC needs hardware accelerated OpenGL rendering. Install an appropriate graphics driver. Please consult XBMC Wiki for supported hardware http://wiki.xbmc.org?title=Supported_hardware"

I used the following tutorial from these forums to setup this Acer Revo ION.


I've also, as per the instruction in the tutorial, run the command

"sudo nvidia-xconfig"

It didn't fix the issue.

Please help!
you need to reboot after you've started xserver.
I'm having the same issue, and this (nor anything else i've found online) has worked. Any new ideas?

I get that message when I didn't properly install the nvidia graphics driver. Make sure your driver installed properly without any errors.

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Karmic Ubuntu on an Acer Revo ION - video problems0