Segfault on playback in latest SVN
I built XBMC from SVN because of the issue with DVD playback in 9.11... unfortunately with the current revision (26389) I can't play back anything at all. I get an immediate segfault when I play a DVD, or a file on a USB hard drive. The segfault message says something about an ALSA underrun.

It could just be a temporary problem that will be fixed shortly, but this is Gentoo so it's equally possible that I am missing some dependency or other. Playback from every source (except DVD) was working in 9.11, though.

Here's a debug log:
Please recompile without using external ffmpeg and report back.

I'm not sure how to do that with the Gentoo SVN ebuild - whoever wrote it did not include a USE flag for ffmpeg specifically.

How do I make that change in the source?
We don't maintain the gentoo ebuild, so we can't support it. Contact it's author(s) with problems regarding it.

EDIT: Hrm...I've already told you this... Thanks for respecting our requests!
I think you have me confused with someone else.

I'm not asking how to fix the Gentoo ebuild. All I am asking is: how, now that I have the source code, do I instruct it to compile without external ffmpeg?

Thank you.
The default configure options use internal ffmpeg.
./bootstrap && ./configure && make
works just fine on my gentoo box.

Thanks, that was what I was looking for. I'll give that a shot.

In the meantime I also tried to build a newer version of the ffmpeg that was already on the system, so unless that magically fixes it, I'll try what you suggested too.
Well, after recompiling with internal ffmpeg, playback no longer segfaults, but all of the SD AVI files I tried play back as unreadable garbage (the sound is okay, but the video is just a mess of green blocks). DVD playback sort of works, but it's not really usable (everything, including menus, is zoomed in to the top left quarter of the screen). DVDs have never played on this machine at all up until now, so I don't have anything to compare it to.

What does this tell us? Any other suggestions? Thanks...
start by turning of "sync playback to display" in settings (it seems to be failing)
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secondly you are having upscaling enabled.. delete your advancesettings.xml
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Whatever I did to build the source from hand apparently made a big mess... It seems that the default is to install to /usr/local/share/xbmc, but the Gentoo SVN ebuild installs XBMC to /usr/share/xbmc . So after rebuilding without external ffmpeg, as shown above, I saw that I was still running the previous build, so I copied all of /usr/local/share/xbmc into /usr/share/xbmc, and only then did I get the results described in my last post.

Then I tried to go back to the Gentoo ebuild, but it no longer runs. Even after having completely deleted everything in /usr/local/share/xbmc and /usr/share/xbmc, checked out a fresh source from SVN and re-emerged, I get an error:

/usr/bin/python2.6: can't open file '/usr/local/share/xbmc/': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Now, since I was stupid enough to try all of this on Gentoo, I don't really expect anyone here to help me with this. So I think this whole thing will have to be redone on another OS, if I ever decide I feel like doing it again. Thanks anyway.

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Segfault on playback in latest SVN0