Web radio problems
hi there, when trying to run web radio i get the following errors in my xbmc log....

it worked in previous releases for me. i've even tried copying over the scripts and python directories.

i'm using latest xbmc 1.1 build from [y]

thanks for the assistance...


23-10-2004 16:40:10 info -->python initialized<--
23-10-2004 16:40:10 info
23-10-2004 16:40:10 info traceback (most recent call last):
23-10-2004 16:40:10 info file "q:\scripts\kmlbrowse.py", line 23, in ?
23-10-2004 16:40:10 info
23-10-2004 16:40:10 info import xbmc, xbmcgui, image
23-10-2004 16:40:10 info systemerror
23-10-2004 16:40:10 info :
23-10-2004 16:40:10 info null result without error in pyobject_call
23-10-2004 16:40:10 info
you have to copy the python directory over and over, i don't know why you just do. some times 4 times and some times 24 times.
once you get it working i would sugest you don't ever copy over the python directory.
try it! also use the search, this has been covered extensively.
many props!! i copied over the directory again and wham!! its working again.

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