Multiple favourites lists
It seems to me that xbmc's level of customization would be hugely increased if there were implemented the ability to create "custom lists" that are like the favorites lists.

If specific displays from within plugins such as launcher, navix, etc could be added to custom list pages, these lists could then be easily attached to easily created buttons on the homepage of specific skins.

For example, if you wanted a button on your home screen that said "News and Sports" you could create a custom list and add all of the relevant programming from NaviX into the list, so that it would not be mashed/hidden in the favourites list.

Though these lists would not have metadata and nice things like that, a similar implementation could be used for Games, and Programs, if you want to be able to use direct links from launcher to launch windows applications from these menus.

This would create quick and highly customizable buttons, especially in skins such as Transparency, where the buttons are so easy to add to the horizontal menu.

Basically, allow you to locate access to any media from any category you want to at the push of a button, just like favorites.

Impossible, impractical, too much alteration to xbmc?

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