ati hd3470 DP to HDMIw/audio
I am wondering if it is possible to get sound working over HDMI. I have the latest live cd installed. I have an ATI HD 3470 with display port and ATI states that it can output audio. I have a DP to HDMI cable connected to my TV but I cannot get sound to work.

doing aplay -l only displays 1 device - NVidia CK804 and subdevice of IEC958.

So I am guessing it isn't detecting it. If it is possible and I just need to install some drives or something please point me in the right direction.

Thank you
Any suggestions would be helpful.
I'm running into this as well....

No where have I found an answer on how to get this card to out put Audio frrm DP -> HDMI adapter...

the audio device simply does not show up.

What bothers me is that the same card is advertised to output audio, Hopefully Some one will help us out..

Otherwise I may shop for a different card.

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ati hd3470 DP to HDMIw/audio0