I need a hand making my Tv section more Fanart friendly
I'm trying to make my TV section more Fanart orientated.

I've removed the fanartoverlay but ran into some little hidden problems, once it was gone.

I am trying to remove the reflections from the dvd covers and show icons and either remove the black bar under the show/episode list or possibly even make it larger and more transparent so it sits behind the show/episode lists and makes them more visible.

Here are some pictures to show you what I mean:

I want to remove the reflection and the show icon, and remove or modify the black bar

I want to remove the reflection, also I had a quick look but couldn't see any setting to disable the synopsis, it would be nice if that was gone too.

I want to remove the reflection, remove the black bar at the bottom of the episode preview and remove/modify the black bar at the bottom of the episode list.

Can anybody give me some pointers on what images to adjust (I have just been modifying the textures in the latest SVN and then building to get the textures.xpr file so far) or what code to modify?

I should also mention I don't care if it stuffs up any of the other views, I only plan on ever having it display in these views.

If you want to change a view, do the changes in views(.....).xml and includes.xml

There you can add,change or delete code.
Note: when deleting includes, other things can be misplaced !
(Look for the include in includes.xml)

All I can say think clear and logical, look thru the view, delete stuff and look what happens. Play and learn Big Grin It's not that difficult.

What you need is a simpel text editor (tip: use search function) and add to keymap
directly see what you changed Nod


Cheers Waffa !

Btw: Did you try MiniMeedia (Waffa!) that skin is already Fanart orientated.

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I need a hand making my Tv section more Fanart friendly0