Wrong scrape, how can I repoint to correct movie?
Is there a way to resync or point an erroneous scrape for a movie? There are a few errors in the scrape.
mealto Wrote:Is there a way to resync or point an erroneous scrape for a movie? There are a few errors in the scrape.

well, go to library mode, locate the wrongly scraped movie and select "remove from library" from "popup menu" Smile
mealto Wrote:Is there a way to resync or point an erroneous scrape for a movie? There are a few errors in the scrape.

if it scraped the wrong movie, then the IMDB link in the NFO is probably wrong.
Use Ember Media Manager.
mealto Wrote:Is there a way to resync or point an erroneous scrape for a movie? There are a few errors in the scrape.

I am assuming you haven't used any of the 3rd party scraper tools, therefore go to the offending movie - call up the context menu - from that choose 'movie information' - then refresh movie. You will be presented with options, if there are more than one - choose correct movie and press OK.

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Wrong scrape, how can I repoint to correct movie?0