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I'm running XBMC on WinXP with my video collection on an attached USB drive. For 2 of my approximately 15 TV shows, XBMC has been unable to find the "All Seasons" poster image.

There is no way that I know of to manually select an image file for the poster. If I select "info" while "All Seasons" is highlighted, I get the TV show info, but with the (default scraped, not my intended) "all seasons" poster instead of the show poster**. When I select "thumb" and browse to <TV_ROOT>/<SHOW_FOLDER>/season-all.tbn, it assigns that image file to the TV show poster instead of just the "all seasons" item for that show.

So I'm stuck trying to get XBMC to detect season-all.tbn on it's own. Here's where it gets strange. If I exit XBMC, move the TV show folder to somewhere not looked at by XBMC, start XBMC, clean the library so that the show is no longer present at all, exit XBMC again, rename the folder to something else (like simply adding an extra character to the end), move it back to it's original location, then start XBMC, it will get added to the library correctly at this point. season-all.tbn, season##.tbn, season-specials.tbn, fanart.jpg, and the show's wide banner image file all get detected and used.

This has been the case for both of my problematic shows (Dexter and Weeds, in case that's useful info). I should add that I have <TV_ROOT>/<SHOW_FOLDER>/tvshow.nfo, containing just the themoviedb.org URL for the show, for all my TV shows, so the folder name change doesn't prevent XBMC from figuring out what show it is.

So now I figure that I have it working right, so I can repeat the procedure to get the name back to what it should be. I exit XBMC, move the TV show folder to somewhere not looked at by XBMC, start XBMC, clean the library so that the show is no longer present, exit XBMC again, rename the folder to its original name, move it back to it's original location, and start XBMC. To my dismay, "season-all.tbn" is again not detected and instead the default poster that the scraper gets from themoviedb.org is used for "all seasons". Bummer. So it looks like the only way to get it to detect my "all seasons" image files for these shows is to have the folder names different than my original names ("Dexter" and "Weeds").

I also noticed another strange occurance. If I simply switch the "all seasons" and "specials" files, by renaming season-all.tbn to season-specials.tbn and renaming season-specials.tbn to season-all.tbn, when I refresh the info for the show, both files are detected correctly. The posters are switched from the I way I want them, but this disproves an early guess I had that there was something wrong with my original season-all.tbn file.

Has anyone else had this or a similar problem?

** An interesting thing to note here is that, because I use wide banners for my tv shows, but not for the season posters (which I use the standard DVD cover-like images for), the image in this info dialog is all screwed up. It's resized to fit into the area that a wide banner would fit into. Not a big deal, since I don't think I'd ever select "info" while on a season item other than to (attempt to) manually select a poster, but it does seem like a bug, unless when wide banners are being used, I'm also supposed to use wide banners for the season posters as well.

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