Builds at the usual places

i just noted a couple of questions mentioned at different forums regarding aspects of xmbc, like "i have problems with xbmc 11/12 build", and the answer in some forums are "it's been fixed" (in later cvs not released) .... ok, yes, they are fixed, but not released. i don't want to step on toes here, but...

is there a santa :-)
1. we do not release any builds. so if we are about the sourcecode if we say "latest cvs" and not the builds.

2. this is the wrong froum --> moved to xbmc general

3. this time i don't get the hidden request for illegal binaries, but maybe the next time. Image
read the xbmc online-manual, faq and search the forums before posting! do not e-mail the xbmc-team asking for support!
read/follow the forum rules! note! team-xbmc never have and never will host or distribute ms-xdk binaries/executables!

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Builds at the usual places0