Playback problems
I'm currently using XBMC REV_29504 it pretty good, but Im still having the same issues I had previously.

I have 2 PCs with similar problems.

A EeeBox PC EB1502 (NVIDIA® ION™ LE graphics chipset, NVIDIA® CUDA™ technology)

With this computer I have noticed that all High defintion content plays perfectly. But its the Standard def AVI/DIVX files that play slow and stutter.

But while playing this content if I go back to the main Home Window and look at the Video in the preview home window
It plays smoothly! in the background.

While in Fullscreen view mode, if I hit system info. I can see that the video was playing at 30HZ instead of th 60HZ that is should be at.
But none that Im back out of fullscreen and in system info the HZ quickly goes back you to 60HZ

So It seems as thou while im in FullScreen preview mode the video plays at 30HZ
but while Im not in the FullScreenVideoPreview it play correctly at 60HZ!

Ok my second PC is a ATI Radeon 5600 and its issue is with DXVA.
when DXVA is on the videos also play at 30HZ (which causes crazy flicker) while in fullscreenpreview and it runs perfect at 60HZ when not in Fullscreen mode.

So on 2 different PC with 2 differents Graphics cards, I'm having issues with Content being play at 30HZ instead of 60HZ.

I have tried all the settings, Sync, Adjust Display,Use a Fullscreen,VSync, etc No Luck!

So it looks Like theres an overall Video HZ Issue.

Any help you can give would be great! thanks
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