Multiple XBMC instances
Is it possible to run two separate installs or one install with two different configurations under Ubuntu. I am using XBMC to serve two different audio streams to a multi-room system. The two instances would need to point to different sound cards or ports on one sound card.

I am using my Android phone with an XBMC app to control the streams. This whole thing is working on my windows PC. I would like to run it on an older computer with Linux. This is my first attemp at running Linux. I see you can run multiple instances but they are identical.

I too would like to be able to do this and this was the best thread I could find. I would like to power two TVs and a set of speakers with 3 different XBMC instances all on the same machine without having to resort to virtualisation. Each would need their own configuration and would be standalone - I dont mind whether they share a central DB. Is there any wikis on how to do this as I am a bit of a UNIX n00b.

Running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Assume I will at least need to buy a new graphics card.

I don't now about any guides but I can give you some pointers if you want dig into it.

Multiple XBMC instances can't share the same configuration you'll have to create 3 different users so this will ensure different configurations.

Lets say you create users xbmc1, xbmc2 and xbmc3

In /etc/sudoers you'll have to add the following lines:
xbmc1 ALL=(xbmc2) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/xbmc
xbmc1 ALL=(xbmc3) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/xbmc
Now xbmc1 has permission to start XBMC with users xbmc2 and xbmc3.

To start XBMC with xbmc2:
xhost +SI:localuser:xbmc2
sudo -u xbmc2 -H xbmc

To start XBMC with xbmc3:
xhost +SI:localuser:xbmc3
sudo -u xbmc3 -H xbmc
humanzoo Wrote:Is it possible to run two separate installs or one install with two different configurations under Ubuntu. I am using XBMC to serve two different audio streams to a multi-room system. The two instances would need to point to different sound cards or ports on one sound card.

I am using my Android phone with an XBMC app to control the streams. This whole thing is working on my windows PC. I would like to run it on an older computer with Linux. This is my first attemp at running Linux. I see you can run multiple instances but they are identical.


I have been thinking about this too, and I was thinking a second zone config would be cool. So I could set zone 2 to a different audio device. For me it would be analog to match my zone 2 on my Onkyo. In the SW we could assign the way you want zone two to function. Either have it play its own audio stream or duplicate the main instance (zone 1).

When I had my XBMC on windows way back, I had XBMC on the HDMI and itunes on the analog and could control things via the iphone, but not the same if we were having a big party.

I have also tried running xbmc on hdmi and vlc on ubuntu but for some reason I could not keep vlc bound to the analog device. I didnt have the patience nor the desire to figure it out because the VLC remote on the iphone suucked compared to xbmc's. This also lacked the synced ability I would personally like.

my 2 cents..

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