[LIVE] Driver Update Killed OpenGL
I am running XBMC-Live 9.11 Repack on a custom box, with an nVidia geForce6200 card. It has been running flawlessly, except for an issue with resuming from S3 suspend (when resuming from suspend it would power up but screen would remain blank and everything would lock up). From searching around the net I found that updating the display driver might rectify this, so I updated my nVidia driver to the latest one using Envy.

After updating the driver, XBMC is unable to run. On boot I get a dialog box saying "XBMC needs hardware accelerated OpenGL Rendering. Install an appropriate graphics driver".

I've tried all 3 drivers Envy allows me, without success.

Any ideas?
Try updating your driver manually. The command line is your friend.
Did you try
sudo nvidia-xconfig -s --no-logo --force-generate
after using envy?
I hit that wall too. Very frustrating because you need the newest SMB stuff in Ubuntu to connect to Windows 7.

That is why second time around I used real Ubuntu rather than XBMC Live which is tied to a non-repo display driver (since fixed in newer XBMC Live's).
fasteddy Wrote:Try updating your driver manually. The command line is your friend.

As in
apt-get install nvidia-glx-___
? Tried that. That just broke it more. Couldn't even start X11. Updating with Envy again fixed that, but XBMC still gave me the OpenGL error.

Kode Wrote:Did you try
sudo nvidia-xconfig -s --no-logo --force-generate
after using envy?

Nope, wasn't aware of it. I'll give it a try tonight when I get home, see what happens.

poofyhairguy Wrote:I hit that wall too. Very frustrating because you need the newest SMB stuff in Ubuntu to connect to Windows 7.

That is why second time around I used real Ubuntu rather than XBMC Live which is tied to a non-repo display driver (since fixed in newer XBMC Live's).

I found I still had trouble with getting Live to access my SMB shares. I ended up SMBFS mounting my share to a folder in my /home and then just accessing them in XBMC by going into /home/[mount_folder].

First time I installed Live I had this wake-from-suspend issue and decided to try real Ubuntu with XBMC Linux. Ubuntu Lucid was worse than Live! Not only did it still give me the wake-on-suspend problem, also some programs could access the internet while others (including XBMC) couldnt.
ParadigmDJ Wrote:As in
apt-get install nvidia-glx-___
? Tried that.

No, that's not what I meant. I mean install it outside of the repos. Download the latest beta
wget ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/256.29/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-256.29.run

Drop out of X
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop

Install your driver
sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-256.29.run

Follow the onscreen instructions and restart.
With the advent of dkms and very up-to-date driver repos such as the ppas I highly advise against people using the binary driver installs.
This is a good way for people who are not very familiar with linux to make a pretty big mess out of their system, especially since such people have a tendency to use multiple install methods for these drivers without first removing the old ones..
Envy for example. There is almost no reason you should ever have to use Envy to install Nvidia drivers, it had its time but that has long since passed.
I've had issues with the nvidia ppas in the past, so I prefer to do it myself. But you have a valid point about removing the old drivers. Neglected to mention that.
Thanks fasteddy, thats fixed that bit. XBMC is now up and running again.

Unfortunately, after all my sodding around with driver updates, I'm still having the problem with locking up when I wake from suspend. Does anybody know what else might fix that?

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[LIVE] Driver Update Killed OpenGL0