XBMC live problems
I am a beginner user of XBMC live.
I have nvidia ion system and I installed on the HDD XBMC live from download section. But I have following problems :

1. My LCD LG can work with refresh rate 60, 50, 30, 25 and 24 Hz.
But under XBMC live I can set screen resolution 1920x1080 / 50Hz only.

2. Automatic refresh rate change isn't working - so when I play movie with 25fps or 24fps, refresh rate of the LCD is still the same.

Thanks for help

This article helped me a lot.

Just under half way down is the bit you'll need but you should read it all.
The sticky at the top of the forum works better
Super, refresh rate is now working. Thanks.

But I have next 2 problems :

1. how to get running remote control ?
I have in USB port receiver named Igor Cesko AVR IR USB receiver and noname remote.
How install this receiver and than how to configure correct actions to signal from remote ?

2. how share exte hdd with windows 7
I have External hdd connected to pc with xbmc live. On this HDD I have a movies. I need connection to this HDD from windows 7.
How can I configure this connection ?


alda Wrote:Super, refresh rate is now working. Thanks.

But I have next 2 problems :

1. how to get running remote control ?
I have in USB port receiver named Igor Cesko AVR IR USB receiver and noname remote.
How install this receiver and than how to configure correct actions to signal from remote ?

2. how share exte hdd with windows 7
I have External hdd connected to pc with xbmc live. On this HDD I have a movies. I need connection to this HDD from windows 7.
How can I configure this connection ?



1. First google this: ubuntu lirc howto. If you run into trouble, try to ask a more specific question.

2. sudo apt-get install samba. Then add your share to the bottom of /etc/samba.smb.conf like this:
path = /media/moviefolder
available = yes
valid users = user #<-- your username
read only = no
browsable = yes
public = yes
writable = yes
thanks for help. As a first point I will try to get samba running, but after
"sudo apt-get install samba" I don't have this "samba.smb.conf" in /etc/ directory.
I tried to make this file but I received information:

Cannot create :

Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied
Request code: 3

I am connected via Winscp.


edit1 : I found etc/samba/smb.conf but still problem with permission.

edit2 : OK, I found how edit smb.conf - via putty it's possible.
I used : sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
Now I can see XBMCLIVE in win7 and I'm searching for username and password

edit3 : Samba is running now, temporary withou password, but for now it's enough.

Now I go to IR......
deleted by Alda
OK what I did to get IR running :

- sudo dpkg-reconfigure lirc
- than to /etc/lirc/lircd.conf inserted data for my remote control - panasonic N2QAKB000043
- than I tried used irw to check if I receiving data and nothing

How detect where is a problem ?
Under win is all working correctly.


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