How to send sound to 2 different sound cards depending on the type of media
Hello everybody !

I'm setting up my media center with XBMC and I need some help.

I have one computer (Linux preferred but not mandatory) with 2 sound cards.

One sound card goes to the TV, the other goes to my amp.

I want the sound of movies to go to the TV (first sound card)
And the sound of my music to go to the amp (second sound card)

How can I do that ?

Thanks a lot for your help !
We don't support this presently but its been discussed.

Only way I know to get this behaviour even a little is to set passthrough device to the other card which would be used by dvdplayer mostly and paplayer the other.

Another, probably better, solution is to setup an external player to feed its sound to the TV and let xbmc always feed to the amp with its internal players, that way you can choose to play movies on the amp by using context menu and select dvdplayer instead of external player.

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"Well Im gonna download the code and look at it a bit but I'm certainly not a really good C/C++ programer but I'd help as much as I can, I mostly write in C#."

Well thanks a lot for your fast answer.
This is not supported natively now but you give me two ways to do it.

The problem is I don't understand your answers Smile
I'm not a newbie in IT but I don't know the internal structure of XBMC.

What is a passthrough ?
In the second method you're talking about an external player.
Does it mean I won't use XBMC for movies and music ?
Because I want to use XBMC for both.

Well to sum up can you explicit the two methods please ?


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How to send sound to 2 different sound cards depending on the type of media0