In 'Movie' display mode the fanart is cutoff
I have my movie folder set to display in 'Movie' (Library?) mode, where the thumbnails are all in a row across the bottom third of the screen and as you scroll through them the downloaded fan art is displayed as the background image. The problem is that the bottom third of the fan art is cutoff! Is there a setting where I can tell XBMC not to blow-up the fan art to the full screen size, to use a smaller zoom setting so that the thumbnails across the bottom don't cut it (fan art) off ?

Thank you for any suggestions, my family and I love the software!
FYI - I found this but wasn't sure if it applied as I'm using the default skin, not "Auriga" (?)

Also, it looks like they're just making the thumbnails smaller whereas I would like to make the fanart smaller.

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In 'Movie' display mode the fanart is cutoff0