ATi HD5670
Hi All,

I've just finished building an XBMC based media center for a friend. As we're still "eagarly" awaiting some form of built in bluray support in the main XBMC app, I'm having to use a third party app, in this case, PowerDVD 10 (only because of the event ghost support aspect) otherwise I hate PDVD.

I thought up until now I was pretty clued up on hardware, but cannot for the life of me figure this one out.

When playing bluray's at 1080p the picture is stuttering like mad when there is a lot happening in the scene. The sound is perfect, and video isn't lagging, it's like the screen isnt refreshing quickly enough. I've tried a different video card and it (seems) to do it a (tiny) bit less. All works perfectly in XBMC with 720p MKV files.

Has anyone had this happen to them? And could someone please point me in the right direction. :confused2:

I tired to get the walk through for bluray using MakeMKV, but that didn't work for me either...

Not having much luck with BluRay, I knew HDDVD was the better format! :mad:

Thanks in advance,

edward0 Wrote:All works perfectly in XBMC with 720p MKV files.

Then do what most of us do- let XBMC play the Blu Ray.


Rip it to your NAS first using with makemkv or AnyDVD HD.

This is the exact reason why I never recommend Blu Ray roms for HTPCs. I think it is better to have a dedicated XBMC box and a dedicated stand alone Blu Ray player.

Until the Blu Ray people give up on the DRM changing game XBMC won't be able to painlessly play Blu Rays. I expect that to take five years or more.

So give up like we have and rip the disks!!!!

Arsing DRM!

Alas friend I will do just that...

Thanks for the help!

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