[Dharma] Videofiles don't start playing

I have a huge problem with several of my video files that used to work with other SVNs, but suddenly don't work. I select them from the video menu, and the progress indicator keeps spinning, and nothing else happens. I cannot exit XBMC, I have to press Ctrl-Alt-Del and logoff the current user to get back system control.

It happens with different media types, AVI (XVid), WMV, MP4, etc.

I have created a debug log, trying to play test1.avi, and waiting for 4 minutes, but the playback doesn't start. I then logged the user of.

Can you please help me? What's wrong here?

Log: http://pastebin.com/UE7ULiDp
Turn off DXVA and they'll play.
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It certainly looks like a DirectX problem, though as far as I know an ATI Radeon HD 5600 Series card should work with DXVA. You could try installing the latest DirectX redistributable from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/detai...ceb6d8fa8d

Alternatively I've seen various threads in the Windows forum about problems with various versions of the ATI drivers. It might be worth check what version your drivers are then searching this forum.

Nope, it's no DXVA issue, since it happens also with DXVA disabled.

Seems to be some weird network issue, when i copy the file locally it plays. Other files in the same network folder play, too, but some don't. The ones that don't play have the same access rights as the ones that do, and can be played with other media players on the same machine XBMC is running on. So the question is: why does XXBMC not play them? Why are there not errors logged? I cannot even start taskmanager when I try to play such a file, all I can do is to log off the current user...

Wny ideas?
A log with dxva disabled would be nice.. It really looks like a directx issue.

If you play it locally first where it works, then play over network when it doesn't that would be interesting.
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Here is a log without DXVA enabled, exactly the same happens. As I already mentioned, other files in this directory play fine, even this file once used to be played fine, but doesn't at the moment. It makes no difference if I first play the file locally (which always works), XBMC keeps hanging as soon as I play it from the SMB-share.


I can play this file with DVBViewer, MPCHC, Windows Media Player, VLC, etc. without any problems via SMB of course.
wish you had still given me a log of playback of the same file locally then over network. from the looks of your last log, it hangs trying to open the demuxer.

I suppose it could be trying to read the whole file over the network. Do you have some quite small file with the issue? would be nice to know if it evetually starts.

(you could try running xbmc windowed, and bringing up task manager when it hangs to check network activity to see if it's trying to transfer the file over)
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If you still wish the log of the file playing locally, I will post it, but I think the problem is of a different type, since I found out the following:

I have a couple of files in each folder, and the problem seems to occur when there are certain files of a type are mixed together in a specific folder. The file I posted plays via network when I move all the other files in that folder to a different one, and when I put the moved files back, that file won't play anymore.

I have broken the whole thing down to two files, one of the two files is a WMV file, the other one is my test video. As soon as the WMV file and the testHI.mp4 are in the same folder, the testHi.file cannot be played. My suspicion is that XBMC tries to render parts of the WMV file for the preview picture which is displayed in the menu, but fails, and then playing the MP4 file also fails. Unfortunately, none of the preview-picture rendering events is ever logged, so noone can say for sure what really happens in the background. But I can reproduce this even locally, as soon as both files are sharing the same folder, the MP4 won't work.The WMV doesn't play in XBMC, and doesn't show a preview picture, but it works in other players flawlessly.

So finally, you can say that having only one file in a folder that XBMC doesn't like, makes playing all other files in that directory fail.
Have the same problem - see log. I believe it has something to do with accessing Movies (not TV Shows) through the Movies Library interface, as I have no problem playing the same video file through the Files interface with Library turned off, or accessing video files via the TV Show Library interface....DXVA on or off does not seem to have any effect...just the method by which I select the movie.

@beavisraz32: Yours is unrelated. It is however a bug we want to fix - see this thread.


We need a sample.
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[Dharma] Videofiles don't start playing0