Randomly Playing Oldest Unwatched TV Show and iPad
Hi, Looked thru about 30-40 posts but cannot seem to find an answer this question.. maybe I just suck at searching...

With all the new seasons starting in the next few weeks (and I still have quite a few seasons of stuff Im watching), would there be a way to have XBMC deliver the earlyest Unwatched Episode from all the TV shows I have? eg:

I follow for example these shows:

Criminal Minds

But I am also catching up on:
Man V Food
How I met your Mother
The Mentalist

Is there a way to have it play CSI S11E01 then Man V Food S02E10 then Dexter S05E01 then HIMYM S01E06 .. making it more a random TV "station" and not find myself watching one show episode after episode or forgetting where I was up too in 3 different programs...

Hope you someone can help... Also.. whats the best iPad Xbmc app? I have the iPhone app and Ultimote at the moment, but neither show "watched" on it...

Thanks Smile
I know its been awhile but did you ever find a solution?
get the pseudotv add on you can make your own channels that play in order just like real tv

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Randomly Playing Oldest Unwatched TV Show and iPad0