Dharma 2 Clean Install - No Libraries?
Hello all,
I've used prior versions of XBMC and have enjoyed the Library support for TV Show information - Today on a clean install (no XBMC data directory), I cannot get XBMC to scrape any TV Show nor allow me to show 'Library' files from the Videos. When I do add the source for a TV Show I see the message in the top right stating it is scanning for new data, but it never pulls anything down from thetvdb.org

- The Video Submenu from the home screen does not include 'Library'
- The menu on the left of the Video screen has 'Library Mode' disabled.

I've gone through the settings and cannot find any option to enable or disable libraries, so I am assuming that they are always enabled however I am just doing something wrong ..

Any help?
Do a debug log while (re)scanning - set content to none, tell it to clear out, set content back to tv shows and scan. First stop is ALWAYS the debug log Smile
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Ok - did the log deal ....

I did the following (Wanted to start from a clean slate):

1. Removed my XBMC directory for a fresh start
2. Started XBMC, turned on Logging, recycled XBMC
3. Went into Videos, Add Source, selected v:\Archer (2009) as the directory
4. Select to set the Content and then selected TV Show (thetvdb.org)
5. Selected to run Automated scan ... however did *NOT* select that the folder contains a single TV show (even though it does). If I did, the scraper interprets the Season names as Series Names and looks for a Series called 'Season 2001'
6. After Clicking Ok on the 'Add Source' ... it took XBMC a while and it pulled the Archer (2009) information!!! Success I thought!

7. Ok - still no option for 'TV Shows' on the slide menu from 'Videos' on the home screen
8. Go into the ARcher 2009 files and I am treated with a great new background and logo - however no Show information Sad

I've attached my log here ... I see lines in the log where it's looking for a NFO file locally (which I guess I should setup sometime, but never did with XBMC before), and that it went looking for the episode info, but could not find.

I setup my Video directories as specified here:

However, it seems no matter what TV Show I choose no episode information can be found, and most of the time the Series cannot be found either.

Not sure what changed in the scrape - Boxee picks up and scrapes just as the stable XBMC version does. I've attached the log file here.

Thanks for all the help

Here is my log:
number 3 is where you went wrong....

you need to set V:\ as your directory personally I'd have it set up like so V:/Tvshows/all sub folders here and I'd use v:/Tvshows as my source and I'd set content to Tvshows.

also you need to update the library after a source as been added. click context menu on that source and scan for new content.

Woo! Thanks for that - works like a champ.

Regarding the rescan you mentioned that will keep the library up to date .... Is it possible to have a scan done once an hour ... or after a specific time of inactivity?
in the settings you can have it scan your video library on start up

as far as automated scanning do a forum search on the subject there are several ways to do this. you can even program a button or key on your keyboard to update the library.

Wondeful - thanks for all of your help .... I've set things up as you suggested:

V:\TV Shows\<All TV Shows in their own Dir>
M:\Movies\<All Movies in their own Dir>

And that works great! Cannot wait to see the gold release!

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Dharma 2 Clean Install - No Libraries?0