A/V speedup with less then 48000Hz rates...
TREX6662k5 Wrote:Is mine in ~/.asound.conf (Not /etc)
pcm.!default {
    type plug
    slave {
        pcm "hdmi"

I believe its the same as plug:hdmi well I haven't noticed any difference.

Well no such luck, the "hdmi" part just will not work on my system, but i have adapted your setup and now i have this.

pcm.!default {
    type plug
    slave {
        pcm "hw:1,3"
        rate 48000
It works better (faster pickup of videos from startup) and i can simply set "default" in XBMC. Thanks again for the input!
You might not need the rate option there since your using "type plug"
Sorry to resurrect such an old thread but I seem to be suffering from this same problem with frodo 12.2 under arch linux (alsa only, no pulseaudio). When passing through 44100Hz AC3 audio via spdif to my pioneer sc-65 receiver i end up with the "chipmunk" effect. I've tried adding to advancedsettings.xml without any change.


My .asoundrc currently looks like:

pcm.!default {
  type hw
  card 1
  device 0

Disabling AC3 under sound setting solves it, but then obviously that isn't being passed through any more. With the new Audio Engine I'm not sure how to apply the fix proposed by NightStormWolf anymore.

xbmc.log: http://pastebin.com/pP5VkQQA

Thanks for any help!
Nobody has encountered this since frodo besides me?
Everything since frodo has completely changed concerning audio. The tricks and tips here are mostly not required anymore and could even be a bad idea.

Please create a new thread and explain your issue there.

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A/V speedup with less then 48000Hz rates...0