Highlight missing episodes from a given season
Hello all,

Firstly: I'm new to XBMC and to these forums -- so apologies if I come across overly dazed or confused! So far, I'm very happy with XBMC, very slick indeed.

One thought that occurred to me is that it would be great for XBMC to highlight in some way if there are episodes missing from a particular season of a particular show in the library. This information appears to be available in the XML feed from the scrapers, so this should be theoretically doable. Perhaps a little 'star' icon next to each Season entry to highlight that's it incomplete, with bonus points for being able to drill-down into that to get the list of missing episodes -- with the whole feature being optional (default off, of course).

For some background on why I think this would be useful:
- I run XBMC on a Linux box.
- I don't have access to Windows, which seems to be the common platform for media management tools that might show missing episodes. (Is there a good one for Linux anywhere?)
- I don't particularly want to use a dedicated media management tool anyway. XBMC does a great job of building and presenting the library, why not use that?

(From a quick look at the database files, looks like they currently only contain data for episodes already in the library, so we'd need to add any extra column or table or something else to represent a known episode that is not present in the library. But that's implementation...)

If anyone has alternative suggestions on how I could get this functionality, I'd love to hear them. Likewise, if others would find this useful, I'd be happy to start thinking about how to add it to XBMC myself.

Thanks in advance.

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Highlight missing episodes from a given season0