Stopped being able to see files in folders that are shared on the network.

This is how the network is built for movies: "smb://mycomputer/moviefolder/movie".
If I navigate to "moviefolder" I see all the movie folders that are shared.
When I try to open a movie folder there's just two dots that take me to the previous folder.

This seem to have happened to almost everything I've downloaded after 19/10.


The computer with all the files and the one running XBMC are both using Win XP.
I'm using Dharma RC2 right now, I've tried other versions and the lasted stable but the result is the same.
I've always fully uninstalled the previous XBMC when trying a new one.

Tell me if you need more info.
On the computer running XBMC press Windows-R (or Start then Run) and type in \\mycomputer\moviefolder\movie and see what is displayed. It was also be worth turning on debug logging in XBMC then attempting to view a folder, then pop the debug log on

If the file view doesn't show any files then either it doesn't think there are any relevant files present (e.g. an audio source won't show video files) or the file permissions are preventing you from viewing the folder contents.

Thanks for the answer.

I'm not sure why I didn't think of that first part.

When I try to open the movie folders that XBMC had problems with the computer says I don't have access to those folders.
Very odd.

Why would it just do that all of a sudden and just to some folder? :\

Edit: It was a weird network problem, but I solved it now, thread can be locked and thrown away :p

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Stopped being able to see files in folders that are shared on the network.0