I need a good, simple, streaming audio addon for normal people?
I can't seem to find a plugin that's simple enough for normal people to use.

Last.fm you have to navigate through like 10 levels to get it to actually play a song.

Shoutcast is cool, but there's like 300 categories with lots of them empty. And it crashed XBMC on me yesterday.

There's a Pandora plugin which works ok, until it crashes or stops working. And you can't add new stations.

I just need something simple for the other people in my household who aren't so technically inclined.
Maybe you might like MTV or Yahoo music videos addon?
Just a thought.
maybe listenlive.eu? i think it uses mostly shoutcast streams, but is well structured.
Have you tried Grooveshark?

Thanks for the input guys!

MTV has way too much going on. But Yahoo is neat and simple for music videos.

listenlive.eu is definitely cleaner than Shoutcast. But mostly EU radio stations at low quality. Good, but not the solution I'm looking for.

Grooveshark is really awesome. I like it. But it failed in one huge major factor, the back button on my remote is mapped to ParentDir and that doesn't exit the addon. You have to navigate to their menu and then select exit to get back to navigation. That doesn't work for me, it's not intuitive.

But ya know what? Tweaked a little python there... fixed. Awesome.

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I need a good, simple, streaming audio addon for normal people?0