Can any1 plz tell me hw to add pc games to xbmc?
can any1 plz tell me hw to add pc games to xbmc...i used to work wit 9.11 but nt in xbmc 10 nd later......plz help guys fed up trying frm 3 to 4 days...BlushSad
You need to use an add-on to launch the PC games, or indeed any other app. The most popular add-ons seem to be Launcher and Executor. Go to the Get Add-ons page and look in the Programs section.

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ya knw abt tat but in xbmc 10 or above i get this screen when i try to add games or programs i.e cant see any drives except image drive...

but it works fine in xbmc 9.11,but the problem wit 9.11 is cant add favorites....
what darkscout said
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what dushmaniac said and your screenshot link dosent work.

Se my signature on have to post about a problem in a useful manner, jesus
i dont understand anything you try to say, sorry Smile
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abhiiceman Wrote:@jhsrennie
ya knw abt tat but in xbmc 10 or above i get this screen when i try to add games or programs i.e cant see any drives except image drive...

but it works fine in xbmc 9.11,but the problem wit 9.11 is cant add favorites....

There is a bug (or possibly a feature?) somewhere in XBMC that if you have a CD in the drive both Launcher and Executor will only show you the CD drive. I suspect your image drive is having the same effect. Unmount the image drive and both Launcher and Executor should be able to browse your hard disks.

Where are launcher and executor located? Whenever I search for them on the forums I end up back in this thread...?Sad
Quote:Where are launcher and executor located?

They are add-ons. The executor is pre-installed in live 10.0. (create a new thread when you have an unrelated question).
ty....Big Grin i was really fed up wit his..but when i unmounted the image drive its working perfectly...Nod
is their anyway to change view in the launcher menu....
abhiiceman Wrote:is their anyway to change view in the launcher menu....

When you're in Launcher press the left arrow to open the side menu. You can change the view from there.

i mean their's no other view in launcher menu except "FILE MODE PANEL"....

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Can any1 plz tell me hw to add pc games to xbmc?0