2011-01-03, 20:34
I have been using an intel d865perl Pentium 4 3.0 Gb processor with 4 gb of ram (although since it's only 32 bit it only uses 3) and two 1.5 tb hd's. I'm wondering if my inability to fastforward HD video on my ps3 or stream video to ipad with Air Video is because of the older architecture or if I should be looking at another issue.
I run Linux Mint 10 (basically ubuntu 10.10), sab, sickbeard and samba running on it.
I'm thinking about switching to XBMC as right now I'm using this machine to stream video to my ps3 via ps3 media server. Which is where I get the errors when I fastforward.
Also, ps3 is connected via wired Cat5E and GigE router.
Any thoughts?
I run Linux Mint 10 (basically ubuntu 10.10), sab, sickbeard and samba running on it.
I'm thinking about switching to XBMC as right now I'm using this machine to stream video to my ps3 via ps3 media server. Which is where I get the errors when I fastforward.
Also, ps3 is connected via wired Cat5E and GigE router.
Any thoughts?