XBMC live Dharma10 and logitech harmony one with Ortek vrc-1100 remote

Anyone here using xbmc live dharma10 on a htpc(zotac zbox hd-id40) configured with a logitech harmony one and win7/vista Ortek vrc-1100 mce remote receiver?

How did you program your harmony for that receiver?

Is it also possible to start, shutdown xbmc and set the htpc in stand-by mode?

no one with the same configuration?Sad
At this moment, I can use the logitec harmony one with xbmc live on my zotec zbox.
Just still looking how to power on(from stand-by) my zotec...

Anyone who knows how to configure this? (if it's possible....)

I've got the logitech harmony set up as a Microsoft MCE remote with the PowerToggle command mapped to the power button. When I set up XBMC's poweroff mode to suspend instead of shutdown, the power toggles wake/sleep states.

Hope this helps.

I got my harmony fully up & running with XBMC (I have a IR605 dongle and I've setup my Harmony as a Microsoft MCE 1039 : shutdown and all the rest is OK

But I can't power on my ZBOX through IR Sad
Did you guys found a solution to this ?

kozz Wrote:Anyone here using xbmc live dharma10 on a htpc(zotac zbox hd-id40) configured
with a logitech harmony one and win7/vista ...

I use XBMC 10.1 under Windows 7 Home Premium on a non-Zotac box with a
Logitech Harmony 700.

kozz Wrote:Ortek vrc-1100 mce remote receiver?

I have a generic remote whose only identifying mark is a regulatory label.
Its appearance matches the pictures of the Ortek exactly.

kozz Wrote:How did you program your harmony for that receiver?

The same way I think you did: "Media Center PC", "Ortek", "VRC-1100".
For the Harmony setup, I had to configure every button I wanted to use.
It was tedious.

kozz Wrote:Is it also possible to start, shutdown xbmc and set the htpc in stand-by mode?

If you run Windows, here's how you can determine whether something will
work easily or not. Download the ShowKey.exe utility, run it, and press
some buttons on your VRC. If the device driver is delivering keystrokes,
ShowKeys will display any keystrokes it receives. If one of those keys can
be used for the function you want, use it. If that fails, you'll have to do
something like replacing the remote and IR receiver and/or running
EventGhost (or similar).

Start XBMC: I don't think it's possible directly. On Windows 7, without any
other utility such as EventGhost, I couldn't think of a way. (On Win7, I've
pressed every button on the VRC to see what they did.)

Shutdown XBMC: Under Win7, the VRC's 'Close' button sends Alt-F4 which
exits XBMC.

Stand-by: I think under Windows the 'global' Power-Button settings controls
what the VRC's Power button does. Mine puts the system to sleep. Maybe I
don't remember this part correctly.

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XBMC live Dharma10 and logitech harmony one with Ortek vrc-1100 remote0