Remote double clicks
I installed xbmcfreak-live-1000-maverick-v3 on a zotacMag and am using a HA-IR01SV MCE remote. Everything works fine except that with every keypress it sends two signals, It jumps two items in whatever menu you're in. Would appreciate any assistance. Thanks
I have the exact same problem.
Does setting the "remoterepeat" option within advancedsettings.xml help?
I had the same problem with xbmcfreak-live-1000-maverick-v3 and an ASRock 330 with external MCE Remote. My problem was fixed by following the instructions in this post:

Once I disabled the kernel drivers the remote worked properly again.

Good luck

This fixed mine:

Originally Posted by exiles
okay if anyone is getting duplicate key presses from the ir remote it’s the new kernel you need “echo none +lirc > /sys/class/rc/rc0/protocols” in the “/etc/rc.local” file for you system. killed all doubled presses for me.
I followed the istructions for blacklisting the mceusb module, now my mouse doesn't work. I took it out of the black list and ran the update command again but still no mouse.

Any idea how I can get my mouse back?

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