[Windows] Newbie - How do I change Movie details i.e. Genre
I'm just starting
Have added my movies, getting to grips with the controls.

It thinks one of my Climbing movies is a Disney film.
How do I go in and change the Genre, etc?

Also once changed, can I filter lists by Genre?

Also if my file is Movies\Sport\Climbing\Everest Beyond The Limit Season 1\Everest Beyond the Limit S01E01.avi

Is that not the correct naming convention for a TV show?


Go into the movie's nfo file and just change the genre or add to it. You should see something like this:


You can change Drama to what you want or add to it:

<genre>Drama / Crime</genre>

You can even make up your own genres if you like.

If you have already scraped and entered the movie file into XBMC, you will need to do a refresh of the file in order for XBMC to recognize the changes that you made. If you have many nfo files to work on, you can use one of the many metadata editors that you can find in the "Supplemental Tools" section of this forum. An yes you can separate your films by genre, either by right clicking on the home folder and selecting the genre tab or by making a smart playlist to insert into your home menu. You don't have to insert it into your home menu, but it is nice to know if you so choose.

If you need any other help, let us know.


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[Windows] Newbie - How do I change Movie details i.e. Genre0