How to remove additional sources?
I have installed XBMC in version 10.0 R 35647 for windows on Windows 7 Home Premium, but i think that that question is interesting for linx-users, too.

I have added some sources in my video-list, a hard-drive and a sbm-share. I have searched a lot but could not find a way to delete one of this sources.

Any hint how to remove sources that are not needed anymore?
Killozap Wrote:I have installed XBMC in version 10.0 R 35647 for windows on Windows 7 Home Premium, but i think that that question is interesting for linx-users, too.

I have added some sources in my video-list, a hard-drive and a sbm-share. I have searched a lot but could not find a way to delete one of this sources.

Any hint how to remove sources that are not needed anymore?

Arrow down to the source, press C to open the context menu and choose Remove.


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How to remove additional sources?0