[APPLETV2] XBMC Crashes on 720 HD file, but not on smaller chunk
40% sounds like cpu usage not memory usage and it is normal by now.
I have the same issue, anyone find the problem?
duffyblue Wrote:I have the same issue, anyone find the problem?

I ended up restoring and then re jailbreaking. So far so good
codeblue2k Wrote:I ended up restoring and then re jailbreaking. So far so good

I am having the same issue. Can you post what method you used to jailbreak?

I used SeasonPass on ATV2.

troyh72 Wrote:I am having the same issue. Can you post what method you used to jailbreak?

I used SeasonPass on ATV2.


I wonder if that was the issue. I used Season Pass too, but the second time I used Greenp0ison
If you have installed XBMC via nitotv then you may have switched on other plugins. exposed is one of those plugins.
Do you need to restore before re-jailbreaking? I assumed that using seas0npass, you were restoring, just that it was a jailbroken restore.
I've had this issue with multiple ATV's. The issue seems to be only with IOS Version 4.3 and Seas0npass jailbreak.

The same exact Apple TV with IOS 4.2.1 and jailbroken with greenpois0n works fine with most current version of XBMC.

My guess is it's the IOS version 4.3 that messed this up. Same version of XBMC works fine on 4.2.1. Hopefully XBMC can find a fix and put it in an update! Thanks for all your hard work!
I'm having the same problem, on 4.3 jailbroke with seas0npass. So can I jailbreak 4.3 with greenpois0n or do I need to downgrade first (using the following method)

Here is the solution that worked for me:
1. you have to downgrade from 4.3 to 4.2.1.
- "you must have your shsh-blobs" you say...NO I DIDN'T!
- download "AppleTV2,1_4.2.1_8C154_Restore.ipsw"

2. edit your hosts-file - add this:    gs.apple.com

3. connect the ATV to your computer - don't use the power cord.

3. set your ATV in DFU mode(down+menu - 6 sec then menu + play for 6 sec - release)
4. start iTunes - shift-click on restore

5. select the downloaded ipsw and click restore.
Just so you all know, I resolved the issue but upgrading to the latest Nightly Build. At first I thought it was how Seas0n Pass did the jail break, so I redid everything with Green Poison, same issue. Went back to SeasonPass but this time I applied the latest nightly and all is working perfectly now.

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[APPLETV2] XBMC Crashes on 720 HD file, but not on smaller chunk0