Aeon for XBMC Live 10
I've ordered a Revo and will be installing XBMC Live 10.0 to the hard drive as per the lifehacker tutorial. I'd like to use the Aeon skin. Is it simply a matter of downloading it and extracting it to the ~/.xbmc/skin/ folder? I've had a search and am still a little confused. I've looked at the Aeon forum and there's info on adding it at a terminal which has confused me more! Any help greatly appreciated.
Check my signature to install the latest Aeon MQ 2 skin.
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hudo Wrote:Check my signature to install the latest Aeon MQ 2 skin.
Will give that a try! Thanks for replying.
What about those lovely backgrounds that appear at the home screen when selecting "Movies", "TV Shows" , "Pictures" etc? Are they included with the skin or do I have to download them separately?
They are included with the skin. As far as I know, they are the default backgrounds for the Darkness theme (Aeon MQ 2 default theme since 2.7.0 version).
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hudo Wrote:Check my signature to install the latest Aeon MQ 2 skin.
Good evening to all of you
Can you pls tell me where to install the addons zip?
I opened the zip there are a lot of files but i do not know the installation path.
Can you tell the path with details?
Tks a lot for your attention........................

EDIT Is it only for LINUX?
Because i run WIN7

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