Apple TV2 not playing new shows updated via sick beard
Odd, running SB and SABNZBD on Win7 and don't have any of these issues.
Works a treat. I've also just installed the same setup using WHS 2011 and it works fine too. Scratching my head at what it could be. Confused
Lycant Wrote:Odd, running SB and SABNZBD on Win7 and don't have any of these issues.
Works a treat. I've also just installed the same setup using WHS 2011 and it works fine too. Scratching my head at what it could be. Confused

even "odder" is that this only happens on a brand new 2 tb drive that i installed a few months back.
i have two other drives in my system. if couchpotato or sickbeard add any content to any of those two drives all is well.
Sorry to bump an old thread but I am having a similar issue and Google brought me to this thread.

For every movie Couchpotato download I can see all the files in its folder apart from the video file itself.

I tried "icacls "E:\films\*.*" /t /grant Everyone:F" but still no joy.
(2012-09-11, 23:34)DanFerret Wrote: Sorry to bump an old thread but I am having a similar issue and Google brought me to this thread.

For every movie Couchpotato download I can see all the files in its folder apart from the video file itself.

I tried "icacls "E:\films\*.*" /t /grant Everyone:F" but still no joy.

You shouldnt have that last quote...

icacls "D:\Media\*.*" /t /grant Everyone:F

It should be exactly like that.

You can put that in a bat file >> Open Notepad.exe and save that line (Replace D:\Media\ with whatever your directory is) save it as Permission.bat

not permission.bat.txt

Now you can run that in task scheduler or some other way like the Launcher in XBMC.

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Apple TV2 not playing new shows updated via sick beard0