[AppleTV] Karaoke - CDGs ???

is it possible to play Karaoke CDGs. (MP3+CDG)

I don't have the setting for Karaoke, I know from other XBMC-Installations e.g. on XBOX

If I start the mp3-file, the cdg-file will not be shown and only the music will be played
Yes, and you can plug microphones and guitars via the micro usb port and install Garage Band on ATV2, were you can use all the effects.
Furthermore you can use ATV2 as an 8-track recording studio with live video and audio streaming to the http://www...


Come on! I would be lucky if XBMC could play at least 720p avis and mkvs with more than 4 FPS...
with the latest version from 20.03.2011 it works in parts.

The setting are available.
The visualisation works, but....

the synchronization is not correct. There is a delay of the music. (You don't have, if you test the cdgs on a pc)

...and if you stop a CDG, you always get a black screen. You can't go back to the starting menu
You can compensate the delay in advancedsettings.xml - read the documentation.
creating advancedsettings.xml at /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/userdata works for me.


Thanks a lot

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[AppleTV] Karaoke - CDGs ???0