[Live] weird playback

Ive noticed some funny playback issues. Im new to xbmc so please bare with me

I've got xbmc 10.0
Core2duo 2.0GHz

Whatever media file i play i.e. avi, xvid, mkv (720p) the issue is apparent in all. I've looked at the media info in xbmc and it shows video playback (vpd or something) at 98-99% cpu usage at 10% or less depending on video.

The issue is every so often the playback is not smooth. its like a very slight slow mo going on for a split second then it plays normal for x seconds then starts again.

I play the media files via a nas which i manually set up via NFS shares.
If the CPU is 98-99% this suggests the hardware acceleration is not being used. Likewise, if the CPU is 10% then hardware acceleration is being used. If you press O ("oh" not zero) when a video is playing, the info at the top of the screen shows whether vdpau is being used. Compare a high CPU and low CPU video to see if there is a difference. Some video encoding won't work with vdpau, though I'm afraid I forget the details.

Please post a debug log (remember to turn on debug logging).
here is my log: http://pastebin.com/B2w5H7xF

if its any use my video driver version is nvidia 195.36.24

I looked at the log and i could not make any sense of it, lol
Are you running anything else on that machine? Nothing in the log points to a high cpu usage of XBMC.

i must admit its my first install so i have been playing around with various add ons, skins etc.

Ive lost the ability to playback any media file which has a mp3 stream, So im going to re-install xbmc. I export my library as individual files anyway.

So im going to try to re-install live or just install ubuntu then xbmc on top.
tried to put the live disc on usb but the install fails. keeps asking me for the cdHuh?

funny as this is how i installed it at the first time!

So now trying ubuntu via usb.
ditched the full ubuntu install as im still a noob my soundcard was not fully listed. My audio is set up via digital ouput to my AV receiver and no digital settings was displayed i.e. spdif.

So gone back to live but still having kinda slo mo issues.

After work tonight im going to try to copy the mkv file locally to see if its a network issue and try to update the nvidia drivers too.

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[Live] weird playback0