No sound from Firefox using GT210 HDMI with Full Desktop Ubuntu 10.10 Install
Hi All,

I have XBMC installed on a full gnome desktop in Ubuntu 10.10. I have an nVidia GT210 card installed with the most up-to-date driver (followed instructions on xbmc wiki) and use the HDMI for video and audio directly into my TV.

I want to launch from XBMC to check e-mail and view youtube but there is no sound at all from anything I open in firefox. I would also like to install emulators in the future and I have found some posts where people had issues with sound in those programs as well.

I have sound from XBMC for music and movies.

I have installed the latest version of alsa from this post and then I set-up the correct probe mask from here.

I have made no more adjustments to any alsa settings. Do I need to adjust pulse audio settings? What exactly is pulse audio and am I already using it? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
CPU:Intel 2100 3.1 Ghz RAM:Corsair 4 GB DD3-133 Mobo: Gigabyte H67M-D2-B3 mATX OS HDD: Corsair Nova Series 32GB SSD Storage HDD: WD Green 2 TB Video Card: ASUS EN210 SILENT ODD:
If you have a full ubuntu desktop then you use the Ubuntu desktop audio settings to get sound in ff. This is not dependant on xbmc.
True, but I thought maybe someone else had the same problem...

I will try Ubuntu forums I guess.

CPU:Intel 2100 3.1 Ghz RAM:Corsair 4 GB DD3-133 Mobo: Gigabyte H67M-D2-B3 mATX OS HDD: Corsair Nova Series 32GB SSD Storage HDD: WD Green 2 TB Video Card: ASUS EN210 SILENT ODD:
It was only that it sounded very basic...but maybe there is a real problem.

I have not done it 10.10 but in 10.04 I had to find the audio mixer and perhaps also select output device. This could also be done per application.
when you change from pulse audio to alsa you have to run gstreamer-properties and set to alsa to get system sounds back.
Had to jump through tons of hoops to get audio working correctly everywhere through HDMI for my GT240. I don't remember all of them, but for XBMC you may need to upgrade alsa (probably 11.04 will have what you need without PPAs) and in the case of my GT240 I had to set the audio output/passthrough to plughw:0,7
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Thanks to all for the replies.

I am still trying to figure this out.

How do I know if pulse audio is working? I did not install it explicitly, so I am wondering, is it installed even? And what exactly does it do? I am not using a fancy sound setup - just HDMI to TV - so I don't need 5.1 dolby etc... to be working.

Anyway, I will update as soon as I have tried some new things.
CPU:Intel 2100 3.1 Ghz RAM:Corsair 4 GB DD3-133 Mobo: Gigabyte H67M-D2-B3 mATX OS HDD: Corsair Nova Series 32GB SSD Storage HDD: WD Green 2 TB Video Card: ASUS EN210 SILENT ODD:

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No sound from Firefox using GT210 HDMI with Full Desktop Ubuntu 10.10 Install0