Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Howto ever have control over volume (loudness)... passthrough?

i mentioned that i cannot control the volume with some movies (i think ac3, dts) if i try to in or decrease the volume a popup showing "passthrough active" appears.

What must i do to be able to control the volume on any time (also when passthrough is enabled)?

Greetz X23
use your receiver. we can't amplify/deamplify a bitstream. it's only logical...........

thought something like that... nevermind i'd like to to use just one remote...
I have a harmony but the main reason is that the audio receiver remote also
reacts with the ir receiver of the htpc... need to replace the ir-receiver on htpc side...maybe

Greetz X23

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Howto ever have control over volume (loudness)... passthrough?0