Apple TV 2 new user.
Hi all,

This is my first post so please be gentle. I apologies if this is a silly questions but here goes.

I have installed XBMC on my Apple TV 2 using the below nightly builds set up instruction.

It's all working fine and I can play my MKV files from my mac, I just wanted to know if I need to do anything else as nightly build imply's I need to do something at night.

Or do I just leave it alone, does the apple TV need to be left switched on all the time. Sorry if this is silly.

Ok, couldn't stop myself and did a complete walkthrough that provides:
- A) a unthethered jailbreak
- B) working XBMC, with audio and smb

1) Jailbreak your AppleTV with Seas0nPass according to the following jailbreak:

2) Log into you AppleTV via ssh:
$ ssh root@<your ATV2 IP address>

root@<your ATV2 IP address>'s password: ''enter your password here, it should be "alpine" if you haven't changed it''

3) Add the missing repository and make update on the AppleTV:
$ echo "deb tangelo-3.7 main">/etc/apt/sources.list.d/saurik.list
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get -f install

4) Install the latest nightly build from xbmc:
a - $ wget
(then hit enter and wait until its done)
b - $ dpkg -i xbmc_atv2/latest_atv2.deb
(then hit enter and wait until its done)

5) Just to make sure that all dependencies have been installed properly:
$ apt-get -f install

6) Change your root password because the default password is no secret
$ passwd
<new password>
<new password>

7) close the ssh connection and enjoy XBMC on your AppleTV
Last edited by mingolo; 2011-04-06 at 00:55.
Let me google that for you...
Image Don't even think about my mother!
Very helpful, I will remember to return the favor one day, C**k
You only need to update if you want to try out anything new/added or fixed in the nightly. if you're happy with the build you've got stick with it on the old if it ain't broke don't fix it principle. I'm on the official release and its working great for me but enjoy life on the bleeding edge

p.s. I agree. total c*^k
thanks, that's what I wanted to hear.
Just keep an eye on the thread for the unofficial build. I've bookmarked the page that Keith posts the files to and just check the dates to see if a new "nightly" is done (right now they're not really nightly builds, but that's okay because there probably won't be any drastic night-to-night changes just yet).

If the date changes then do step 4 in your first post (technically that's all you'll need to do for an update).

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