HandShake: Server not genuine Adobe!
peace everyone,

I've been trying to get some of BlueCop's repositories working on my ATV 2.
It seems that they have found a fix for The Daily Show, and for the Colbert Report. I'm still getting a handshake error:

08:20:11 T:107077632 M: 92852224 WARNING: HandShake: Type mismatch: client sent 6, server answered 9
08:20:11 T:107077632 M: 92852224 WARNING: HandShake: Server not genuine Adobe!

i've had reports it works on the linux end. any clues out there? has anyone with ATV 2 had any success? is there a way to update the flash client?

thanks in advance.
When you replied to the first thread it bumped it up to the front page of the forum, so no need to create a new second thread.

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HandShake: Server not genuine Adobe!0